Yoshino Flowering Cherry - Almond scented, pinkish white, fragrant blossoms. (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Yoshino Flowering Cherry - Almond scented, pinkish white, fragrant blossoms. (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Yoshino Flowering Cherry - Almond scented, pinkish white, fragrant blossoms. (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Yoshino Flowering Cherry - Almond scented, pinkish white, fragrant blossoms. (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Yoshino Flowering Cherry - Almond scented, pinkish white, fragrant blossoms. (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Yoshino Flowering Cherry - Almond scented, pinkish white, fragrant blossoms. (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Yoshino Flowering Cherry - Almond scented, pinkish white, fragrant blossoms. (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)

Yoshino Flowering Cherry - Almond scented, pinkish white, fragrant blossoms. (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)

Online Orchards

Regular price $54.95 $44.95 Sale


Yoshino Trees are some of the most historic and beautiful flowering cherry varieties and are the main attraction at the International Cherry Blossom Festival year after year. The fragrant pinkish-white blossoms are a gorgeous sight to witness and will be a show you always look forward to in spring! Because it’s a fast grower, you can expect your Yoshino tree to fill in it’s available space very quickly. With plenty of water your Yoshino will flourish and produce more flowers year after year.  Yoshino trees have long been treasured for their sheer beauty and symbolic representation of the changes that spring brings to the world. Yoshino are beautiful and rapidly growing trees that will bring a positive and beautiful touch any landscape.

 What’s great about the Yoshino Cherry Blossom Tree?

  • Yoshino trees are the reason that cherry blossom trees are so widely cultivated.
  • Pinkish white blossoms fill the air with a powerfully sweet almond fragrance.
  • Yoshino trees are rapid growers.
  • Yoshino are the main attraction of the International Cherry Blossom festival!
  • Grows more flowers every year!



What will you receive?

When you order a tree from Online Orchards, we will send you a bare-root tree with roots wrapped in wet biodegradable material and burlap to ensure hydration while the tree is being shipped to you. The best thing you can do is plant as soon as possible, water often, and watch your tree grow.


When will you receive your tree?

Our trees are ready to be sent out in November when they begin their state of dormancy and shipping continues through May, depending on the warm spring weather!