1 Gal. Baby Blue Spruce Shrub With Silvery Turquoise Evergreen Needles
1 Gal. Baby Blue Spruce Shrub With Silvery Turquoise Evergreen Needles

1 Gal. Baby Blue Spruce Shrub With Silvery Turquoise Evergreen Needles

Online Orchards

Regular price $29.95 Sale

The Baby Blue Spruce is prized among landscapers for its evergreen turquoise-blue foliage, extreme resistance to cold/harsh environments, and versatile dwarfing size which allows this Spruce to be used as either a large shrub or a small tree in a landscape. The ice blue needles keep their unique color throughout the-year but tend to develop a deeper hue as winter sets in and the foliage absorbs less sunlight. Baby Blue is actually a dwarfing cultivar of the Colorado Blue Spruce, allowing gardeners to gain the same silvery-blue color, fantastic pyramidal form, and fantastic hardiness without growing to the height of 100 ft. No pruning is required to attain a symmetrical pyramidal form. This dwarfing conifer easily withstands temperatures down to minus 40°F and goes virtually untouched by deer, insects, or diseases. The Baby Blue Spruce lives most comfortably in USDA Cold Hardiness Zones 4-7 and reaches a height of 20 ft. with a much narrower spread of 10 ft.


  • Silvery turquoise evergreen foliage
  • Cold hardy down to minus 40°F
  • Reaches 20 ft. in height
  • Fantastic deeper winter color