"Let's Dance" Rhythmic Blue Hydrangea (1 Gallon) - Reblooming sky-blue flowers provide color and vibrance for months!
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Regular price$34.99
Everblooming florets and vibrant sky-blue colors are just one of many reason to love the "Let's Dance" Rhythmic Blue Hydrangea shrub. Everblooming means that once these globes of florets begin turning their signature sky-blue color in mid-summer, there won't be an end to the blossoms until the weather turns cold in late autumn! "Let's Dance" is considered a no-prune shrub as its will remain quite compact throughout its lifetime. Loves shaded and sunny locations, as well as anywhere in between! Like all hydrangeas however "Let's Dance" is an exceptionally thirsty plant, especially in the first few years after planting while becoming established. Daily watering in the summer heat is most likely necessary and will help this shrub thrive in years to come! This brightly colored hydrangea reaches 2 to 3 feet tall with an equal spread and is cold hardy down past -10° F. Performs exceptionally well in containers and mass plantings where roots can bind together to support neighboring plants! The vibrant sky-blue blossom globes of the "Let's Dance" Rhythmic Blue Hydrangea will bring colorful life from the hot summer months until late autumn arrives!