"Sonic Boom" Pearl Reblooming Weigela (1 Gallon) - Pearly white blossoms change to translucent pink from May until late summer!
"Sonic Boom" Pearl Reblooming Weigela (1 Gallon) - Pearly white blossoms change to translucent pink from May until late summer!
"Sonic Boom" Pearl Reblooming Weigela (1 Gallon) - Pearly white blossoms change to translucent pink from May until late summer!
"Sonic Boom" Pearl Reblooming Weigela (1 Gallon) - Pearly white blossoms change to translucent pink from May until late summer!

"Sonic Boom" Pearl Reblooming Weigela (1 Gallon) - Pearly white blossoms change to translucent pink from May until late summer!

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Sonic Bloom Pearl Weigela


Weigela florida 'Bokrasopea'


  • Sonic Bloom is a prolific bloomer, as its name implies!
  • Not only does it produce beautiful, showy white and pink flowers, it also re-blooms all season long, in gorgeous contrast to its green foliage.
  • This weigela prefers well-drained soils but easily adapts to other types of growing environments.
  • It’s a moderate grower perfect for cottage and rustic gardens.  
  • The Sonic Bloom Weigela is deer-resistant, making your life a little less stressful while giving you lovely visuals from your back deck.


If you love hummingbirds, this plant will bring them all to your yard, from spring through fall. This showy, dramatic weigela likes a well-drained soil but has few qualms about other soil types, making it a fantastic choice for most environments. Prune in spring after the first bloom.

This plant blooms prolifically in full sun, or even light shade and is best grown in zones 4-8. Fertilize the Sonic Bloom Weigela in early spring with a granular formula for woody plants, if you like. No deadheading needed; this is an easy-care plant that just keeps blooming. This moderate grower spreads to about 5-6 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide.