Rose Glow Barberry Shrub (1 Gal)- Deep purple foliage naturally mottled with rose-pink splashes!
Rose Glow Barberry Shrub (1 Gal)- Deep purple foliage naturally mottled with rose-pink splashes!
Rose Glow Barberry Shrub (1 Gal)- Deep purple foliage naturally mottled with rose-pink splashes!
Rose Glow Barberry Shrub (1 Gal)- Deep purple foliage naturally mottled with rose-pink splashes!
Rose Glow Barberry Shrub (1 Gal)- Deep purple foliage naturally mottled with rose-pink splashes!
Rose Glow Barberry Shrub (1 Gal)- Deep purple foliage naturally mottled with rose-pink splashes!

Rose Glow Barberry Shrub (1 Gal)- Deep purple foliage naturally mottled with rose-pink splashes!

Online Orchards

Regular price $34.99 $24.95 Sale

  • Deep purple foliage mottled with rose-pink splashes!
  • Perfect as a small and colorful accent plant.
  • Vibrant bright-red berries add color throughout winter!
  • Foliage becomes a fiery shade of red in autumn.
  • Very hardy and easy to grow!

The Rose Glow Barberry is as beautiful as it is easy to grow! A distinguishing feature of Rose Glow are the rose-pink splashes which naturally occur amongst the already beautiful deep purple foliage. With this uncommon twist of colors, Rose Glow is sure to bring a swathe of color to any landscape. While perfect for use as an accent plant, it can also be planted as a low-growing hedge or barrier. Rose Glow displays its best colors spring through fall but is also equipped with bright red berries during winter, bringing all-season interest to a landscape! This hardy barberry grows well in all but the toughest of climates and will brighten the pink and purple hues the more sunlight it receives! This plant requires full or partial sun and weekly watering to flourish. In cases of extreme heat, it is recommended to water more often. It can grow upwards of 5 ft. tall and spread just as far, but the growth process is lengthy. Grows best in USDA Zones 4-9. No special precautions need to be taken during the winter.