Green Velvet Boxwood (1 Gallon) - Beautiful fine texture, natural rounded form, evergreen color.
Green Velvet Boxwood (1 Gallon) - Beautiful fine texture, natural rounded form, evergreen color.
Green Velvet Boxwood (1 Gallon) - Beautiful fine texture, natural rounded form, evergreen color.
Green Velvet Boxwood (1 Gallon) - Beautiful fine texture, natural rounded form, evergreen color.
Green Velvet Boxwood (1 Gallon) - Beautiful fine texture, natural rounded form, evergreen color.
Green Velvet Boxwood (1 Gallon) - Beautiful fine texture, natural rounded form, evergreen color.

Green Velvet Boxwood (1 Gallon) - Beautiful fine texture, natural rounded form, evergreen color.

Online Orchards

Regular price $35.00 $24.95 Sale

This luxurious Green Velvet Boxwood is aptly named for its visual texture. Easy to care for, you may choose to prune it into a formal hedge or other shapes, or allow it to grow into its natural rounded form. The lush, evergreen foliage maintains its rich appearance throughout winter.

Green Velvet Boxwood enjoys well-drained, lightly acidic, and loamy soils but with proper care and support this beauty can grow just about anywhere! Needs regular watering the first season after planting until the root system is established in soil. Without pruning, this boxwood will grow to reach 3-4 feet in height and width at maturity. It is hardy in zones 4-9.

This is a classic low-maintenance, drought-tolerant and versatile evergreen that is ideal for an array of garden styles.


  • Green Velvet Boxwood retains its beautiful green color all winter long.
  • It takes on a rounded form if not pruned; however, there is no need for pruning unless more formal, sharp edges are desired.
  • Its foliage has older leaves of darker green while new growth is lighter green, giving it a visual texture much like velvet.
  • This plant is easy to maintain, and drought tolerant.
  • Green Velvet Boxwood is pest and disease free, and deer resistant.



    Green Velvet Boxwood

    Buxus 'Green Velvet'