1 gal. Royal Standard Hosta Shrub with Large Dimpled Heart Shaped Leaves and Aromatic White Flowers
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A robust and quick-grower, the Royal Standard Hosta is sizable with cordate, brilliant green foliage. This plant also provides cone-shaped, glassy, dazzling, white flowers that bloom in late summer and are extremely abundant and fragrant, particularly in the evening hours. Royal Standard Hostas are easily grown in sun with some shade, moist, nutrient dense, slightly acidic soils and can reach heights of 36 in. with a 50 in. spread, although it is important to harbor them from cold winds. Although these plants are sun and drought tolerant and grow well in large cities with air pollution, make sure to watch for snails and/or slugs as they may destroy the foliage. If you are seeking a plant that spruces up your shade garden, a plant to edge your landscaping or to liven up a container, the Royal Standard Hosta is a wonderful choice.
- Swift and rapidly growing plant, the royal standard hosta is great for new landscaping projects
- Royal standard hostas are appropriate in USDA zones 3 to 9 and can grow up to 36 in. tall with a 50 in. W
- Be on the lookout as snails and slugs can damage the foliage of royal standard hostas
- Royal standard hosta boasts heart-shaped leaves with sensational white flowers in late summer