Gold Drop Potentilla Shrub (1 Gal) - Beautiful dwarf shrub lights up with profuse golden blossoms!
Gold Drop Potentilla Shrub (1 Gal) - Beautiful dwarf shrub lights up with profuse golden blossoms!
Gold Drop Potentilla Shrub (1 Gal) - Beautiful dwarf shrub lights up with profuse golden blossoms!
Gold Drop Potentilla Shrub (1 Gal) - Beautiful dwarf shrub lights up with profuse golden blossoms!
Gold Drop Potentilla Shrub (1 Gal) - Beautiful dwarf shrub lights up with profuse golden blossoms!
Gold Drop Potentilla Shrub (1 Gal) - Beautiful dwarf shrub lights up with profuse golden blossoms!
Gold Drop Potentilla Shrub (1 Gal) - Beautiful dwarf shrub lights up with profuse golden blossoms!

Gold Drop Potentilla Shrub (1 Gal) - Beautiful dwarf shrub lights up with profuse golden blossoms!

Online Orchards

Regular price $30.00 $24.95 Sale

Gold Drop Potentilla Shrubs are a natural choice of flowering shrub for gardeners looking to add continuous bright color to their landscapes, while remaining compact and definitively low-maintenance. Gold Drop is a notably prolific bloomer of small sunshine-yellow flowers that blanket this small shrub for over six months! Depending on growing conditions, these beautiful flowers often start opening in April and continue blooming in new waves until October brings the first frosts. The foliage of a Gold Drop boasts a very soft and fuzzy texture that aids in the flow of a landscape when transitioning between unique plants around this small shrub. By blossoming continuously throughout the growing season, Gold Drop also provides an excellent transition between seasons after other spring flowers fade and before the summer blossoms begin! Since Potentillas are native to harsher regions of North America they are exceptionally drought-tolerant, cold hardy and overall very low-maintenance. Gold Drop is an excellent choice for anyone wishing to avoid high water bills in the summer while also maintaining a colorful landscape! Gardeners in desert, prairie, and arid mountain climates will find this flowering shrub to be a lovely and hardy addition to their landscapes. Gold Drop reaches a height and spread of roughly two feet and lives in USDA Cold Hardiness Zones two through nine. The Gold Drop Potentilla is versatile, colorful, and compact shrub that's perfect for planting as a transition between unique accent plants as well as near foundations, fence lines, and along walkways!