Green Gage Plum Tree - Rare green dessert plum with endless culinary uses! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Green Gage Plum Tree - Rare green dessert plum with endless culinary uses! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Green Gage Plum Tree - Rare green dessert plum with endless culinary uses! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Green Gage Plum Tree - Rare green dessert plum with endless culinary uses! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Green Gage Plum Tree - Rare green dessert plum with endless culinary uses! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Green Gage Plum Tree - Rare green dessert plum with endless culinary uses! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Green Gage Plum Tree - Rare green dessert plum with endless culinary uses! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)
Green Gage Plum Tree - Rare green dessert plum with endless culinary uses! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)

Green Gage Plum Tree - Rare green dessert plum with endless culinary uses! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)

Online Orchards

Regular price $0.00 $44.95 Sale

The use of the modern Greengage Plum in recent years has made it quite well-known throughout the world of culinary arts, particularly with those chefs who specialize in desserts. These small and beautiful lime green plums have earned their reputation with a sweet flavor that seems to resemble honey instead of sugar, which is quite unique among plums. The culinary uses of Greengage have led to a widespread planting in recent years and it has since been discovered that Greengage may actually be the most cold hardy plum yet! This large and beautiful tree has much to offer and is sure to delight.


What’s great about the Green Gage Plum Tree?

- The distinct lime green plums are honey flavored.

-Heavily used in culinary applications for specialty desserts!

- Green Gage is one of the the most cold hardy plum trees!

- Rapid grower and heavy fruit bearer, so expect lots of plums very soon.




What will you receive?

When you order a tree from Online Orchards, we will send you a bare-root tree with roots wrapped in wet biodegradable material and burlap to ensure hydration while the tree is being shipped to you. The best thing you can do is plant as soon as possible, water often, and watch it grow.


When will you receive your tree?

Our trees are ready to be sent out in November when they begin their state of dormancy and shipping continues through May, depending on the warm spring weather!