Flowering/Ornamental Shrubs

Our collection of flowering and ornamental shrubs has everything you might need for your landscape, from the golden-colored evergreen "Kings Gold" to the exotic tropical colors displayed by the flowers of the "Red Heart" Rose of Sharon Hibiscus. This selection provides you with choices for winter color, hedges, colorful flowers in spring and summer, and much much more! Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Hibiscus, Hydrangeas, Rose of Sharons, and Smokebush are just a few of the varieties we offer in this wide selection of naturally beautiful and affordable shrubs!
112 products
"Autumn Embers" Encore Azalea (1 Gallon) - Deep red double-blossoms bloom spring, summer and fall!
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Little Gem Norway Spruce Shrub (1 Gal)- Richly colored, no-maintenance dwarf conifer!
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Dark Green Spreading Yew (1 Gallon) - Densely lush evergreen foliage makes for an excellent low hedge or accent plant.
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Gold Drop Potentilla Shrub (1 Gal) - Beautiful dwarf shrub lights up with profuse golden blossoms!
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Minuet Weigela (1 Gallon) - Innumerable fragrant fuchsia-colored blossoms coat this dwarf shrub in early spring!
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Anthony Waterer Spirea Shrub (1 Gal)- Huge pyramidal clusters of rose-pink flowers, dense spreading green foliage.
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Snowball Viburnum Shrub (1 Gal) - Pure white florets bloom in perfect snowball-shaped globes. Deer resistant!
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Cranberry Cotoneaster (1 Gallon) - This true multipurpose shrub displays a different color for every season!
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Golden-Tip Boxwood (1 Gallon) - Golden-splashed foliage further brightens a colorful evergreen classic!
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Castle Spire Blue Holly (1 Gallon) - Vigorous grower with bright red berries and tough, shiny foliage.
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"Let's Dance" Rhythmic Blue Hydrangea (1 Gallon) - Reblooming sky-blue flowers provide color and vibrance for months!
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Rose Glow Barberry Shrub (1 Gal)- Deep purple foliage naturally mottled with rose-pink splashes!
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"Autumn Sweetheart" Encore Azalea (1 Gallon) - Light pink flowers dotted with lavender freckles bloom spring, summer and fall!
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Goldflame Spirea Shrub (1 Gal) - Neon yellow foliage clashes beautifully against bright pink flowers!
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Sugar Mountain Blue Sweetberry Honeysuckle Shrub (1 Gal) - Sweeter, healthier, and easier to grow than blueberries!
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Golden-Tipped Wintercreeper Euonymus (1 Gallon) - Compact evergolden shrub, emerald leaves trimmed with gold edges!
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1 Gal. Dwarf Mountain Pine Mugo Shrub
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"Red Heart" Rose of Sharon Hibiscus (1 Gallon) - Exotic pure white blossoms with colorful a red splash in the heart of each flower! Deer-resistant, drought-tolerant, hardy to -15°.
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Evergreen Wintercreeper Euonymus (1 Gallon) - Evergreen, glossy and lustrous leaves, also drought and cold tolerant!
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"Lucy" Rose of Sharon Hibiscus(1 Gallon) - Unique ruffled pink flowers, among the toughest most low-maintenance flowering shrubs!
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Silver King Euonymus (1 Gallon) - Glossy evergreen leaves with silvery white edges, drought, heat and cold tolerant!
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Copper Bush Honeysuckle (1 Gallon) - Brilliant yellow, nectar-filled flowers among copper and green leaves.
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Cherries and Merlot Rhododendron (1 Gallon) - Extra bright cherry-red blossoms appear among dark bicolored foliage!
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1 Gal. American Boxwood Shrub
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Happy Returns Daylily (1 Gal)- Numerous golden flowers keep blooming in waves until first frosts!
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Metallicum Japanese Painted Fern (1 Gallon) - Shiny silver edges give way to a dark green in the center of these fronds! Bi-Colored, Cold Hardy, Deer and Pest-Resistant
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Firelight Hydrangea (1 Gallon) - Snow white florets enrich to reddish-pink in autumn! Cold hardy to -30° F
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"Orchid Satin" Rose of Sharon Hibiscus (1 Gallon) - Huge, fragrant, lavender-pink flowers with a scarlet splash inside! Deer-resistant, drought-tolerant, hardy to -15°.
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Bird's Nest Norway Spruce Shrub (1 Gal)- Hardy, uniquely shaped, low-maintenance dwarf conifer.
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1 Gal. Dwarf Hinoki Cypress Shrub with Deep Green Coniferous Evergreen Foliage
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Stella D'Oro Daylily (1 Gal)- Large reblooming bright yellow blossoms thrive in all climates!
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Summer Snowflake Viburnum Shrub (1 Gal) - Showy halos of pure white blossoms throughout summer!
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